Dwayne and Deborah Castle

Phil and Lynn Mitchell

Matthew and Sidney Smith

Keith and Kelly Stamper

Gary and Betty Reynolds

Earl and Joan Smith


To be a relevant church for both the un-churched and the spiritually thriving, to help people from all walks of life become fully-devoted followers of Jesus Christ as they embrace God’s goodness to them, and to multiply our efforts through new church plants.


To allow God to activate His love in us so that He may activate His love through us as we display that love in action helping people  discover a life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ and discipling them on their Christian journey.


To be obedient to the Great Commission to which Jesus, our Head, has called us, and to be the fullest expression of God’s indescribable love to both believers and the world.

our leadership team

I would like to say "Thank You" for stopping by and visiting our website. I hope this brief visit helps to familairize yourself with what Love Action is all about. It is truly our desire to get back to the basics of allowing God's love to captivate us and flow through us as we love Him and love His most prized creation...YOU! I am praying and believing for God's best for you this day!

Our Story

Love Action Church is nothing that came out of man's imagination or ambition. Love Action is a result of what God is doing each and every day. That is, seeing a need and meeting it. In the fall of 2014 God united some hungry hearts who shared the same desires of living lives that glorify God and being the hands and feet of Jesus Christ. We at Love Action are nothing special, but the God we serve sure is! The God of the Bible is the same God who is working today, and He is desiring to do a work in you and through you. Talk about amazing! If you're ready...join the journey!

Matthew and Sidney Smith

Our Pastor