Service Times

Sunday School         9:30 a.m.

Sunday Worship     10:30 a.m.

TROY CHAPEL                "The Old Time CHurch Still Preaching the old time message"


-Minister -

Jesus Christ Himself proclaimed that He is not on this earth "to be ministered to, but to minister..."


The Bible states in James 5:16b, "The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." Many great and powerful things can be accomplished with a band of prayer warriors.


Worship is not something we do out of obligation, but instead out of opportunity. Godly worship draws little attention to self, but instead magnifies the God we need by giving Him glory.


II Timothy 2:15a states, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God." Our focus is not just studying the Bible on occasion, but living by it daily.

Brother Dennis Rahn

Troy Chapel is located at 4269 US 23 N. on the corners of US 23 and Penry Rd approximately 4 miles north of Delaware, Ohio and 12 miles south of Marion, Ohio.

We believe in

Evangelizing: Reaching the lost.

Nurturing: Training the found.

Ministering: Showing forth God's love.

Socializing: Heart-warming fellowship

Getting Involved

If you are in a season of receiving and refreshing feel free to come and receive. If you are in a season of giving there are countless opportunities to serve here at Troy Chapel.

mission & vision

Troy Chapel is an independent, evangelistic, Bible believing church whose purpose is to minister, evangelize, train, disciple, and serve to the glory of our Everlasting Father.

our leadership team

Thanking you for taking a moment to check out our web page. I trust you will be encouraged by what you see. If you are ever in the Delaware area we encourage you to stop by for a visit. If you are looking for a home church, consider us at Troy Chapel. My desire for you is to find Christ, connect to a good Bible believing church, and enjoy the Christian life!

Reasons We Gather

Pastor Earl and Joan Smith

Our Pastor



Pastor Matt Smith